Preparation of Architectural Design Project by making Strategic Site Selection
Correct identification of the planned project/investment is made.
The land status is determined by making a field and survey work if there is a land already for the project/investment correct identification of which has been made.
If there is not a land for the project/investment, strategic site selection is made and  location and availability research is carried out .
In the next stage, design criteria is selected for the land correct selection of which has been made and the right standards and technology level are determined; ideas project are prepared as a result of realizing the investor’s objectives.
Design teams are created in line with design criteria which will be the basis of the project while an organization scheme is made with the coordination of special advisers to be utilized on specific issues.
Functional planning of the facility is made and  architectural, mechanical and electrical preliminary projects are drawn with all details according to the target and follow-up and coordination of them are provided.
Projects are controlled in terms of eligibility, cost and planning process according to design criteria and program.
Follow-up and coordination of drawing of architectural implementation projects, interior design projects, static projects, mechanical implementation projects and electrical implementation projects by the identified design teams are made without ignoring any phase and detail.